Old, cracked, damaged or missing rubber is impossible to restore! Luckily, our Glasspar Rubber Kit comes with everything needed to fit your top with new, period correct rubber.
Kit contains:
- Windshield frame to top header seal
- Rear cowl seal
- Side window seals
- Quarter window vertical seals
- Rear window seal with white rubber locking strip. (Black or chrome rear window locking strip also available by request but is not correct for concourse judging. Only the white locking strip is correct)
Important Details:
- All rubber is sold in individual parts longer than needed for trimming to fit.
- The one only rubber not included is the rubber seal for the door windows. There are two styles of door windows for original Glasspar tops. One is a solid Plexiglas door window and the other is an aluminum framed opening Plexiglas window. The rubber for these is available upon request, at an additional cost.
Note: If you need individual parts listed or not listed, contact us at info@fibersteel.com and we can help you get the exact Glasspar part you need.